Bri Gabel

Marine Biologist | Science Communicator | Graphic Artist

Who am I? Since you asked…

My job as a biologist is not without challenges, but it is incredibly rewarding nonetheless. I cannot see myself doing anything else with my time, energy, and focus. A day getting salty, sweaty, and smelly with science is a day well spent in my book.

In late 2021, my partner and I made the incredible decision to move to Sitka, Alaska! While my time was split between Sitka and Seattle for most of 2022, I recently accepted a position with the City as the Sustainability Coordinator and am now I am happily in Alaska full-time. I look forward to developing and executing initiatives with government, nonprofits, and community members to make Sitka a greener place.

My colleagues consider me a versatile and self-sufficient marine biologist, graphic artist, specimen preparator, and educator with nine years of experience across a broad range of scientific and informal education fields. I am known for my strong acumen, team leadership, and passion for community science and engagement.

Areas of Expertise

Community Science & Engagement

For nearly a decade, I have aquacultured jellyfish for display and research with the help of the Jelly Team, a group of 7-10 dedicated community scientists trained and guided under my supervision. The Jelly Team has been so successful that in 2019, we were contacted by NOAA to work on a jellyfish ecology project utilizing aquacultured jellyfish produced by the team. The project was so successful that funding was renewed in 2020.

Graphic Design & Scientific Illustration

My background in biology and artistic skills produce scientifically accurate infographics as well as pleasing illustrations of local marine life. My work has been used on clothing as well as for capital campaign promotions. Samples of my work can be seen on my portfolio page.

Biological Collection Management
& Specimen Preparation

I am an expert skeleton preparator having worked on everything from gray whales to hummingbirds. Utilizing a combination of ligamentary articulation when possible and CT scans, I aim to create as accurate as possible displays of primarily marine mammals. Additionally, I am well-versed in the preparation and management of wet specimens, study skins, and other biological samples used in educational facilities.

SCUBA Diving
& Aquarium Design

Certified in 2007, I have over 350 dives in Puget Sound as well as 200 dives throughout the South Pacific including Hawaii and Saipan, CNMI. I am an AAUS diver through Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. I have collected animal specimens for both scientific use and aquarium display as well as conducted numerous reef and eelgrass surveys. Additionally, I have designed and fabricated large-scale aquariums for museums and community marine centers.

What’s New?

Everett Herald Interview

Recently, I was interviewed by the local news about the gray whale exhibit I am working on for Imagine Children’s Museum. You can read the full article here. It was wonderful being able to work with volunteers again and teaching them about whales and bones. This is going to be a great exhibit and I…

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I live and learn on Lingít Aaní, the traditional lands of the Tlingit people and the Sheetká Kwáan, the stewards of both the land and waters of Sitka since time immemorial, continue to thrive in this place, alive and strong. I am grateful to be part of this community and will work to honor the culture, tradition, and resilience of the Tlingit people. It always was and always will be Indigenous land; sovereignty was never ceded.
This land acknowledgment does not take the place of authentic relationships with Indigenous communities but is one of many steps to do so.