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2020 – 2021

Converging with Conservation

Woodland Park Zoo

The mission of Woodland Park Zoo focuses on communicating and promoting environmental conservation. However, recent social protests, with increasing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as the sweeping effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, make clear the need for embracing interconnections between environmental conservation, public health, and racial justice. WPZ wants to know more about how the public perceives interconnections between these three topics, if at all.


Curiosity at the Museum of Flight

Washington Informal Science Education Consortium
The Museum of Flight

Learning about curiosity in visitors and museum experiences is inherently essential the field of informal learning. Curiosity is considered a drive to learn new information, and if provided a specific environment and context, can generate varying levels of interest in a topic. Curiosity behavior may also be influenced by various curiosity dimensions in an individual’s personality. Understanding how curiosity manifests in visitors and the factors that lead this curiosity to content interest can help museums make decisions for enhancing public engagement efficiency, satisfaction, and learning.